Erebus book
Erebus book

erebus book

An ill-fated New Year's Eve carnivale masque ends with a large number of the expedition, including three of the four surgeons, being killed by the monster and friendly fire from the expedition's Royal Marines detachment. Despite some initial tension between them, they gradually become friends as they attempt to deal with the conditions facing their men. Franklin is killed in a botched attempt to bait the creature, and a number of other crewmembers are killed as the months progress.Ĭrozier assumes command of the expedition, with Commander James Fitzjames assuming the role of executive officer. Although the monster shows signs of intelligence, the men initially assume it is merely an unusually aggressive polar bear.

erebus book

After the man dies aboard Erebus, the monster begins stalking the crews. Surgeon Stanley names her "Lady Silence", as her tongue appears to have been bitten off, rendering her mute. When the party returns to the ships, the girl follows them. They accidentally shoot the man, whereupon they are set upon by the monster, which kills the expedition's fourth in command, Lieutenant Graham Gore. One of the parties encounters a pair of " Esquimaux" on the ice, a young woman and an old man. In the spring of 1847, Franklin sends out parties to search for open water. Although the expedition begins auspiciously enough, three men die of disease during their first winter in the ice, and soon afterward, Franklin makes the fateful decision to travel around the northwest coast of King William Island, which results in Terror and Erebus becoming trapped. Franklin's second in command, Captain Francis Crozier, joins the expedition as a means of distracting himself after being rejected as a suitor by Franklin's niece. In a flashback to 1845, Sir John Franklin is assigned by the Admiralty to lead an expedition into the Arctic in search of the Northwest Passage. In addition to the natural dangers, the crews are being stalked and attacked by a monster resembling an immense polar bear. Further, the sea ice and landmasses are mysteriously devoid of any wildlife that can be hunted. The weather has been much colder than normal, the ships' tinned provisions are dwindling, often putrid, and tainted with lead from soldering. The story begins in medias res in the winter of 1847, when HMS Terror and HMS Erebus have been trapped in ice, 28 miles north-northwest of King William Island, for more than a year.

erebus book


The Terror was nominated for the British Fantasy Award in 2008 and adapted for the first season of an eponymous television series that aired on AMC TV in 2018. The main characters in the novel include Captain Sir John Franklin, commander of the expedition and captain of Erebus Captain Francis Crozier, captain of Terror Dr. Most of the characters featured in The Terror are actual members of Franklin's crew, whose unexplained disappearance has warranted a great deal of speculation. In the novel, while Franklin and his crew are plagued by starvation and illness, and forced to contend with mutiny and cannibalism, they are stalked across the bleak Arctic landscape by a monster. It is a fictionalized account of Captain Sir John Franklin's lost expedition, on HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, to the Arctic, in 1845–1848, to locate the Northwest Passage. The Terror is a 2007 novel by American author Dan Simmons.

Erebus book